• stockholm syndrome    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 瑞典商瑞亞媒體有限公司 亞太分公司

      ...her publications, AR Media International - together with the International Stockholm Fair - is also the organiser of the security event Sectech which take place in Stockholm, Oslo, and Copenhagen. AR Media has for the fourth consecutive year received AAA-credit status. This is the highest ...

      電話:02-23224062    地址:台北市中正區信義路二段91號8F-3
    2. 唐氏症協會

      有關唐氏症兒早期療育、就學、就業、就養等資訊提供,並協助諮詢者瞭解唐氏症兒所應享的權益。 家長訓練(早期療育計劃)家長成長團體親子生活營區域聯絡網 資訊發行 新生兒家訪宣導活動

      電話:04-23786166    地址:台中市西區自治街226號6樓

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